“Days of the Arctic” were ended by international webinar
«Days of the Arctic» which took place in NArFU from the 25th till 28th of February were ended by an international webinar.
It was aimed at attracting the world’s attention to the issues of Environmental Protection, scientific research, education and international cooperation, and the life quality of the peoples living in the Arctic region. A number of Russian and international Higher Education Institutions and Organizations took part in the webinar: Northern (Arctic) Federal University, State University of Sea and River Fleet named after admiral Makarov, Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Siberian Federal University, North-Eastern Federal University named after Ammosov, University of Tromsø (Norway), University of Lapland (Finland), University of Alaska Fairbanks (the USA), The National Library named after B. Yeltsin, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, and Russian Geographical Society.
The unique newsreels of 1912-1913, depicting a polar expedition of Georgy Sedov, were presented during the webinar. The Head of Media Center NarFU, Angelika Dolinina, presented to the audience the documentary «To Overwinter Summer...» and the current NarFU project «Floating University». «To Overwinter Summer» is a documentary about four generations of scientists who participate in a 40-day «Floating University» expedition to conduct environmental research in the Arctic. What makes people return again and again to the world of immense ice, and harsh Arctic nature? Why do the main characters of the film want to overwinter summer there? These questions are raised in the documentary which is the winner of the II International Festival of Documentary Movies «The Arctic» in nomination «Conquered by the Arctic» (2012).
In the framework of the webinar the project «Arctic Fund», held by The Scientific Library of NArFU, was also presented. This project implies the creation of information and analytical resource on the Internet, dedicated to the Arctic issues and designed to meet the needs of research and education in the region. The project is aimed at: accumulation and systematization of information resources, the inclusion of the accumulated knowledge about life in Russian part of the Arctic into scientific and educational process, and providing public access to this knowledge. One of the important principles in the creation of the portal «Arctic Fund» is to refill it with information about current research and studies, presented in up-to-date monographs, periodicals, expeditions and conferences materials.
On results of the webinar the declaration on current international projects about the Arctic issues will be adopted. It will ensure the growth of information resources on the Arctic Research, and activate existing and establish new international relationships between research and educational institutions.