Call for proposals Arctic Foating University expedition 2019

Visit the Arctic. Study the Arctic. Feel the Arctic. Northern (Arctic) Federal University invites researchers, PhD-students, students to take part in the marine research and education expedition in the Arctic.

The expedition is supported by MMC Norilsk Nickel.

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Arctic Floating University is an annual scientific and education marine expedition, which brings together young people and researchers in order to study the Arctic. For scientists — it is a possibility to conduct research in the high-latitude Arctic. For students — it’s a unique educational program containing multidisciplinary course of lectures and practical training together with experienced researchers.

Aims of the expedition:

  • organize complex interdisciplinary research of the Arctic environment;
  • training of young researchers and specialists for work in the Arctic region (hydrometeorology, ecology, biology, chemistry, geology, geography);
  • develop international scientific and educational collaboration in the Arctic.

Expedition Organizers: Northern (Arctic) Federal University; Roshydromet; Russian Geographical Society

Expedition Dates: June 22 — July11, 2019

Expedition Duration: 20 days

Expedition Route: Arkhangelsk — «Kola meridian» transect — Barentsburg (Spitsbergen) — Longyearbyen — Pyramid — Nu-Alesund — Nu-London — Admiralty peninsula (Novaya Zemlya) — Arkhangelsk (as agreed with organizers, corrections can be made upon request of participants before expedition)

Expedition participants: 60 people (students, post-graduate students, research fellows of both Russian and foreign scientific and academic institutions)


  • Consists of the research and educational sections

Research program (tentative):

  • study of the hydrological regime of the seas of the Arctic Ocean;
  • study of transfer through biological pathways of highly toxic pollutants to Arctic Ecosystems;
  • monitoring of the state of the environment in areas of active economic activity in the marine and coastal zones of the White, Barents Seas;
  • study of biodiversity in the Arctic region;
  • structural geology and paleomagnetic research;;
  • study of the adaptive mechanisms of the human to the conditions of the high-latitude Arctic;
  • assessment of the natural and cultural heritage of the Arctic Territories in order to assess the potential for tourism development;
  • other research fields can be included if possible

Educational modules (tentative):

  • Arctic climate;
  • Arctic oceanography;
  • Arctic and subarctic biodiversity of Northern European Russia;
  • Marine and terrestrial ecosystems of Northern European Russia;
  • Modern methods of molecular biology and biotechnology in the Arctic research;
  • Geography of soil landscapes and carbon cycle of Arctic ecosystems;
  • The latest geological and paleomagnetic studies in the Russian Arctic;
  • History of the Arctic region;
  • Arctic in the system of international relations;
  • Arctic legal framework;
  • Social and economical challenges of the Arctic territories development.

Work on educational modules will be organized in form of lectures, seminars or field works according to the module plan. The participants will receive 5 ECTS for participation in the course and passing the exam.


All expeditions are organized on the research vessel «Professor Molchanov». Originally built in 1982 for the Russian Hydro-Meteorological Service the R/V «Professor Molchanov» has been refurbished to accommodate a maximum of 80 passengers and crew.

The vessel is a steel-hulled, ice-strengthened ship for the Arctic supply and research, completely refurbished to meet both passenger and scientific needs. The R/V complies with international environmental and safety standards.

The R/V «Professor Molchanov» has all the necessary facilities for organizing the educational process, laboratory and practical research. Public areas feature a large dining room, an observation lounge, a conference room with modern multimedia equipment, three laboratories, and a infirmary with ship doctor.

Available research equipment

Brochure about R/V «Professor Molchanov» (in Russian)


Scientists, PhD-students and students focusing on Arctic research and/or studies are prioritized. In case of free places available other categories of participants can be considered.


A participation fee per person is 5 600 EUR. Fee includes accommodation on the board of the vessel, 4 meals a day, educational program, landings, use of laboratories on the board.


Please feel free to contact:

Alexander Saburov, Director of the Arctic Center for Strategic Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal Univesity Telephone: +7 8182 21 89 39 / +7 950 660 68 58

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Natalia Avdonina, Arctic center for strategic studies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University Telephone:+7 911 685 35 00

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Brochure about AFU